News — shop news

our ultem collection

begleri shop news

our ultem collection

that sweet sweet honey It's not every month, or even every year, that we get to introduce a brand new material to our range. But this is one of this is one of those months. The material is Ultem, and we're going after it with a full fleet of products in this first release. Backgrounder: Ultem is the branded name for a high-performance polymer also known as polyetherimide, or PEI. It's solidly in the category of what we might call badass plastics. These are materials that demonstrate exceptional properties, which truly set them apart from conventional polymers. Ultem has actually...

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the b•bank

begleri shop news

the b•bank

Through our B-Bank, Aroundsquare is pleased to offer new (b-grade) and freshly refurbished sets of many of our products at no cost other than shipping. These are legitimate AO2 items, sometimes slightly marked, sometimes factory samples, sometimes slightly off spec, sometimes gently used, occasionally unreleased or unavailable designs, but in all cases, beautiful pieces and absolutely perfect for play.

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soft launch of the new site

shop news

soft launch of the new site

If you've found your way here, congratulations, and welcome. This might turn out to be the new home of Aroundsquare on the web. We've been bumping up against the limitations of our old platform for a while, and although it has served us well, we have been exploring alternatives. As we are testing things out, we've set up this new shop under an alternate URL, and have listed a few products on it in order to test out the functionality before seriously considering migrating the main shop.

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